St Joseph and Vocations to the Priesthood — a reflection

by Matt O’Connell, Vocations Coordinator

When we think of Patron Saints of Vocations to the Priesthood, St Joseph does not always immediately spring to mind. We might think of St John Vianney, the Patron Saint of Diocesan Priests or St Ignatius Loyola in terms of discerning one’s vocation. I think St Joseph, Foster Father of Jesus, is also a powerful intercessor and guide for those discerning a priestly vocation.

St Joseph Book

Over the past few weeks, I have been completing a 33-day consecration to St Joseph. As I have journeyed through these 33 days, I have become more and more convinced of the role St Joseph can play in fostering and supporting vocations.
I really began to ponder St Joseph’s role in vocations as I read about his vocation as the foster father of Jesus. On Day 13 of the Consecration by Fr Donald Calloway MIC, we read that the Latin translation
of “foster father” is “Nurturer of the Son Of God”. St Joseph was a true father to Jesus; he named him, he protected and watched over him, especially when fleeing Calvary”. His physical presence was not required — his task was complete. This is very powerful. There are so many more reflections in the book but what does it have to do with vocations?
All of us are called to be disciples of Jesus. A disciple is supposed to imitate the one who is being followed. What about Priests? The Sacrament of Holy Orders, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us “Configures the recipient to Christ by a special grace of the Holy Spirit, so that he may serve as Christ’s instrument for his Church. By ordination one is enabled to act as a representative of Christ, Head of the Church, in his triple office of priest, prophet, and king”.

A priest therefore acts in the person of Christ — in persona Christi. “It is the same priest, Christ Jesus, whose sacred person his minister truly represents”. Priests by virtue of their ordination are ‘other Christs’, possessing “the authority to act in the power and place of the person of Christ himself”.
St Joseph, nurturer of the Son of God, wants to nurture, protect, form and encourage those men that God is calling to ‘act in the person’ of his foster son
as priests. St Joseph is a powerful intercessor and patron. He will help any man discerning the call to become a priest. He is also a powerful intercessor for the entire Church before his Son in heaven, asking the Lord of the Harvest for “ardent but gentle servants of the Gospel”.
Fr Donald Calloway writes that “without St Joseph we would not have the Living Bread of the Eucharist”. Without priests, we will not have the ‘Living Bread of the Eucharist today’. All of us, in all our needs must, in the words of Venerable Pope Pius XII — “Ite ad Ioseph” — “go to Joseph” — “go to Joseph and do what ever he tells you” (Gen 41:55).
For more information contact Matt O’Connell, Vocations Coordinator, 03 366 9869 —

St Joseph Statue

Prayer to St Joseph to Know One’s Vocation

O Great Saint Joseph,
you were completely obedient to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Obtain for me the grace to know the state of life that God in His providence, has chosen for me.
Since my happiness on earth, and perhaps even my final happiness
in heaven, depends on this choice, let me not be deceived in making it.
Obtain for me the light to know God’s Will, to carry it out faithfully, and to choose the vocation which will lead me to a happy eternity.

Published in Inform Issue 142 - Spring 2024