What we do

DSC 0432

Faith & Mission

The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch seeks to grow a community of disciples of Jesus Christ, striving to strengthen and support our communities in holiness and on mission, while proclaiming the Good News.


Safeguarding is a proactive approach to help prevent abuse or neglect from occurring in the first place and also includes early intervention to minimise the impact if abuse or neglect has taken place.  The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries, and services. 


The Catholic primary and secondary schools in the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch are guided by an authentic Church mission that places an encounter with Jesus at the centre of their Catholic education ethos. Our schools embrace Gospel values, centred on the Eucharist, and are committed to forming faith, in education and in service.

Catholic Social Services

Catholic Social Services (CSS) is an agency of the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch delivering social services in Ōtautahi, Christchurch. Underpinned by Catholic Social teaching, we work to assist the Catholic Bishop and broader Catholic community across the Diocese, to fulfil the gospel imperatives to stand with and serve the poor, disadvantaged and marginalised, and to work for a just, equitable and compassionate society.


The Catholic Youth team run a number of engaging activities for school-aged children and help support and grow Youth Ministry in our Parishes.

Young Adults

There are a number of Young Adults groups providing support for those in their late teens, twenties, and thirties who represent diverse cultural, educational, vocational, social, political, and spiritual backgrounds. They are students, workers, and professionals; they are single, married, divorced, or widowed; they are with or without children; all joined by the desire to have a richer spiritual life.

Marriage & Family

The sacrament of marriage and concept of family is a fundamental tenet of the Catholic faith and living a Catholic life. The importance of Life as God-given underlies this belief. A Catholic approach to life's relationship stages are outlined here.

The Tribunal of the Catholic Church

The Tribunal of the Catholic Church is the official ecclesiastical court of the Church, established by the bishop to assist him in carrying out his responsibilities as the shepherd of his local Christian community.


The Christchurch Diocese offers Chaplaincy support to people in our hospitals, prisons, third level institutions as well as cultural chaplaincy to the diverse range of communities that make up our Diocese.

Other Groups, Services & Communities

Catholic Business Network

Catholic Development Fund

Golden Catholics

John Paul II Centre for Life

The Catholic Shop

The Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Marriage Educators Committee