Being Men and Women of Prayer

Prayer Conference

In late July, 110 people gathered in Ashburton for the Diocesan Year of Prayer Conference. In declaring 2024 as a Year of Prayer, Pope Francis encouraged dioceses to promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual and communal prayer. He desired all people to renew, every day, the joy and commitment to be men and women of prayer. This Diocesan Conference was one such initiative.

The theme of the conference was “Lord, teach us to pray”, from the Gospel of Luke chapter 11: 1-4. This request of our Lord is made on behalf of all of us, as we seek deepen in our prayer life. The day offered many opportunities for participants to explore how to pray.

After Mass, morning tea and a welcome, the conference opened with keynote speaker, Jemma Brunton offering something of her experience of prayer. She offered ten lessons about prayer to deepen our prayer life.
Workshops on an aspect or method of prayer were on offer, with many excellent options and speakers, ranging from Lectio Divina, Ignatian Prayer, the Divine Office, the Saints and many more. Many wished they could have attended more workshops than time allowed.

In the afternoon, Bishop Michael Gielen presented an inspiring keynote address on the Our Father. This was Jesus’ response to the apostle’s question of ‘how to pray’ and is also the theme of the Year of Prayer. This moving presentation is available to watch on You Tube here
The conference ended with a time of Eucharistic Adoration and sung Evening Prayer. It was a very blessed day and the feedback was excellent.

Ashburton Prayer Conference 1

“A very worthwhile conference
the speakers and workshops were well chosen,
helping us to grow our prayer life. ”
“It was most beneficial and enjoyable with great speakers"

At the start of the new millennium, St Pope John Paul II asked that all parishes “become genuine “schools” of prayer”. “From these schools of prayer” he wrote, “the entire Church should set out into the deep on mission and evangelisation”. This is the path on which Bishop Gielen is leading the diocese. All the workshop presenters are very happy to present their workshop in parishes. If you would like to take advantage of this, please contact Matt O’Connell at

Published in Inform Issue 142 - Spring 2024

Ten lessons about prayer to deepen our prayer life