"Lord teach us to Pray" Christchurch Diocesan Year of Prayer Conference 2024

Jubilee Year Logo

Pope Francis has declared 2024 a Year of Prayer for the Catholic Church as a lead up to the Jubilee Year in 2025. In preparation for the Jubilee, dioceses are invited to promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer.

One of the ways that the Christchurch Diocese is doing this is by holding a Year of Prayer one day Conference on 27th July, 2024.

The theme of this conference is “Lord, teach us to pray”. This scripture is from the Gospel of St Luke, chapter 11, verse 1 where the apostles ask Jesus to ‘teach them to pray”. As Pope Francis has requested, all of us need to “rediscover the centrality of prayer … Let us renew every day the joy and commitment to be men and women of prayer”.

The theme of the Year of Prayer is The Our Father. This was Jesus’ response to the Apostles when they asked him how to pray. Pope Francis asks us during the year to make the Our Father “the life programme of each of his disciples”. During the conference there will be talks about The Our Father. 

See below for conference information. Registrations are now closed for this event. To contact the organiser please contact moconnell@cdoc.nz.

Mission Parish Renewal Holy Spirit Prayer


Praying with Scripture using the Lectio Divina - Kirsten Challies

Growing in Holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit – Fr Philip

Praying with the Saints: Their Friendship and Their Power of Intercessory Prayer – Dan and Bridget Martin

Union with God: An introduction to St Teresa of Avila and the Interior Castle – Fr Ben D'souza sm

Praying with Scripture through the Ignatian Method – Dr Mary Allan (OFS)

Learn how to pray from the Scriptures – Karen Meehan

Praying the Liturgy of the Hours - Cameron Surrey

Praying with the Psalms – Alex Chia

How to actively participate in the Mass: The Source and Summit of the Christian Life – Fr Michael Pui

Making the parish a school of prayer – Matt O’Connell

Conference Information

Date & Venue

What does the conference involve?

What does it cost?

How do I register?

More Information?

Draft Timetable

Conference Map