The Christchurch Diocesan Vocations Office consists of Fr Tien Cao as Vocations Director and Matt O’Connell as Vocations Coordinator. The Vocations Office seeks to promote the vocation of diocesan priesthood as a major priority in the Diocese of Christchurch. To do this, the office is trying to create a greater awareness of vocations and build a culture of vocations within the diocese.
A number of events and initiatives are planned for 2024:
Students & Seminarians
At Holy Cross Seminary in Auckland, Matthew Clark and Tuong Duong have begun their first year. Tung Tran (Ignatius) has begun his 4th year. Linh Cao, who is in his 5th year, is on pastoral placement in the Cathedral Parish for 2024. In addition, we have two students studying English in Christchurch, Pho Vo and Thang Pham, with hopes that a third will soon join them. Please continue to pray for all our students and seminarians. An updated poster with names and photographs has been sent to all parishes.
Vocations Groups
Last December, a vocations group began again and meets every two months, for support, encouragement and formation. It is a place where men can learn more about prayer and discerning a vocation.
Thursday as the day to pray for Vocations & Priests
As in previous years, every Thursday will be dedicated to praying for priests and vocations throughout the diocese. Priests have been asked to offer a Mass on that day for the intention of vocations. The vocations team has developed a simple prayer card, which is to be handed out to daily Mass goers and prayed together at the end of Mass on Thursdays.
Prayer For Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life
Lord of the Harvest, bless young people with the gift of courage to respond to your call. Open their hearts to great ideals, to great things. Inspire all of your disciples to mutual love and giving - for vocations to blossom in the good soil of faithful people. Instill those in religious life, parish ministries, and families with the confidence and grace to invite others to embrace the bold and noble path of a life consecrated to you. Unite us to Jesus through prayer and sacrament, so that we may co-operate with you in building your reign of mercy and truth, of justice and peace.
Other events & Initiatives
This year 28 April is Vocations Sunday and the week following is Vocations Week. As usual the vocations office will send resources to parishes and schools. The annual vocations dinner with priests will be held at the end of June. This was very successful in 2023 with over 70 priests and men gathering together. A men’s retreat and a women’s retreat will also be held this year.
For more information contact Matt O’Connell or Fr Tien