Weekly Notices

For the week of Feb 02 2025
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Pilgrimages are an important element of the Jubilee Year. The designated pilgrimage sites for our diocese are:
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Christchurch.
St Patrick’s Church, Akaroa
The St Mary MacKillop Chapel, Catholic Parish of Opihi, Temuka.
Sanctuary of Fourviere & Shrine of Mary, Mother of Light, Leithfield.

For more information on these sites visit https://cdoc.nz/news-events/jubilee-year-pilgrimage-sites-announced

Jubilee Year Logo


The next Golden Catholics event will be hosted by Fr Pat Breeze and Fr John O’Connor on 18th February at Our Lady Queen of Peace parish, 70 Spencer St. This will begin with Mass at 11am followed by lunch and a presentation by Fr John on ‘Hopeful Living’, in keeping with this year’s Jubilee theme. Please RSVP by 13th February, including any dietary requirements, to cdf@cdoc.nz or calling 03 366 9869. A donation towards lunch on the day would be appreciated.

GC Feb 2025 FB


Tuesday February 11th – Safeguarding Workshops Online at 1pm & 7pm.
Register with Clodagh on cward@cdoc.nz. A link to the workshop will be sent to all who register on February 10th.
1pm: Safeguarding Workshop Online at 1pm - 2.15pm - MS Teams | Safeguarding
7pm: Safeguarding Workshop Online at 7pm - 8.15pm - MS Teams | Safeguarding
All volunteers/staff in Catholic entities regardless of role are required to attend a Safeguarding Workshop every three years.



Christ the Redeemer Parish is offering a Training day on “The Gifts of Healing” on Saturday 15 February 2025, 9.30am - 4pm at the Lamb of God Centre, Thames Street. Morning tea and a light lunch provided. Please advise any dietary requirements. Suggested koha of $30.

Presenters will include: Fr John Rea SM (via pre-recorded video interviews and talks) and Michael Powell (Wellington) and Brendan and Judith Woodnutt. This course is aimed at those wanting to develop and sharpen their gifts in the area of healing.

To register please complete form on www.christchurchnorth.org.nz (Healing Day) or for more information email Judith on pastoral@christchurchnorth.org.nz



The Bishop has an oversight over the wellbeing of his priests. On his behalf, the Clergy Trust Fund seeks to employ a Health Coordinator to ensure their medical welfare and general well-being are supported.

A vacancy now exists for this part-time position with the ability to be flexible with his / her time to be able to provide an adequate service. This is an important position in the care of our priests. Having an affinity with the Catholic faith, the Coordinator will have the ability to relate to the priests in their overall health needs. The Clergy Health Coordinator will visit and meet with clergy to make assessments and to provide the necessary support, advice and guidance. A position description can be viewed on our diocesan website or available from Mike Stopforth, Cathedral House, phone 027 5398 542, email mstopforth@cdoc.nz Applications close 5.00pm, Friday 7th February 2025.



Need to pause and to retreat? You are warmly invited to join us and experience the hidden treasure on the hill - Sister Eveleen Retreat House: 

Coming Home to the Fathers Loving Embrace - facilitators: Carol & Colin Renouf,
Date: 7-9 March 2025- Follow this Link

The Contemplative Gaze
- facilitators: Donald & Janis Scott,
Date: 4-6 April 2025- Follow this Link

A Pilgrims Soul
- facilitator: Elinor Galbraith, Date: 2-4 May 2025- Follow this Link

Reflect and Create
- facilitator: Glenda Joy, Date: 9-11 May 2025- Follow this Link

Creative Writing Retreat
- facilitator: Eddie O’Connor,
Date: 7-8 June 2025- Follow this Link

Praying with St. Ignatius
- facilitator: Colin Renouf,
Date: 23-25 June 2025- Follow this Link



Take the opportunity to learn something about the universality of the Church through the lens of Fr. Leopold Kropfreiter SJM, the National Director of the Pontifical Mission of Kazakhstan. Imagine being a Catholic, numbering less than 1% of a population of 19 million with the majority being Muslim. Imagine also being at Mass in winter when the temperature is minus 45C!

Date: Sunday 2nd March,

Time: 11.30 am (after 10.30am Parish Mass) Venue: Addington Church Hall, Parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Spencer Street.

A koha on the day to support the Pontifical Mission would be appreciated. For any queries, contact Fr Michael Pui, NZ National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, 021-1737 992 or michaelpui@missio.nz


We have had two very successful men’s breakfasts and this one promises to be as equally popular!This is to be held on Saturday 1st March, at St Bede’s College, Main North Road.

There will be adoration in the school chapel from 6.30am with breakfast at 7.30am. Suggested koha of $5 to cover the cost of a cooked breakfast. Come and be with other men of the diocese for food and encouragement.

Registrations open soon by visiting www.cathmen.nz or contact Mike Stopforth at the diocesan office, phone 366 9869 or 027 5398 542



The Catholic Parish of South Westland Is selling

4 sections at Arawhata, Jackson Bay. Jackson Bay is at the southern-most point of the West Coast road network and is located 48kms from the township of Haast. These sections are in two titles and total 4,046m2. The sections were purchased in 1880 as it was proposed to have a Catholic church and presbytery at Jackson Bay, but this never eventuated. Details of the sections can be obtained from either Terry Foote, Diocesan Property Team,(TFoote@cdoc.nz) or Stasia Kennedy, Chairperson of the Parish Leadership Team (stasiakennedy@ gmail.com).
