Our annual parish picnic took place in February at St Joseph’s School, Ashburton, after the Sunday Mass. It was a fun-filled afternoon for everyone, with a barbecue, shared food and games for all ages.
Congratulations to the 48 young people in our parish who received their first Holy Communion in May, in Holy Name Church, Ashburton. We thank our priests, school principals, teachers, organisers and volunteers for their support and help with the preparation of our children. We especially thank our parents for their commitment in supporting their children to receive the food of salvation.
The first ever Jubilate for Mid Canterbury parish was held on the evening of 8 May in Holy Name Church Ashburton. We were treated to beautiful performances from students of Our Lady of the Snows School Methven and St Joseph’s School Ashburton. Our Filipino and Samoan parish choirs also featured, along with Jubilate Director, Ken Joblin. Mr Joblin said he was “thrilled to hear 70 young voices singing a range of sacred music in the beautiful Holy Name Church, and that our adult choirs made a great contribution to the programme.”